Friday, January 18, 2013

A Mother's Perspective

Maybe it's because I'm a Mom, or maybe it's because I'm a pregnant Mom, whatever the case I am finding it difficult to read certain stories without tears.

I think I have known about Moses all my life.  I'm sure I knew about it in the womb from listening to my older siblings learning about Moses.  I can't remember a time when I didn't know how he was placed in a basket and put upon the water with his older sister watching over him.

But something has changed . . . now I'm a Mom and I saw the story in a totally different light.  The other day I was reading to the kids and I found myself tearing up.  I cannot imagine the pain and suffering that must have been felt by Moses' mother.  To hide him for 3 months.  To endure the death of her friends' baby boys.  To hear the sorrow of her friends as they struggled with empty arms and engorgement.  Then to lovingly build the basket for her son.  I was picturing her tears falling upon her work while she tried so hard to be brave and believe that God had a plan for her son.  Did she just know that she had to put him in the basket?  Was she hoping to go down every night and feed him and change his soiled bottom and hold him close before putting him back again?

I look at my own son and wonder what kind of strength she had to put him upon the water - trusting completely in God.

We all know that the story ended well.  Moses gets saved and even gets to be with his family for a few years before going to live at the palace.  His Mother gets the chance to hold him close (and even get paid for doing so!).   But I'm sure at the time of hiding him, building the basket and placing him on the water were some of the hardest most trying moments for her.  What an amazing God we serve!  He chose a boy who had been saved in a miraculous way to become the leader who would lead His people out of Egypt.

But now that I'm a Mom I can't help but think about Moses Mom.  And now that I'm pregnant I must admit the tears come much more than I (or my kids!) are used to.  But I think that's okay.  What a wonderful gift that after all the years of knowing the story I can see it again in a very fresh way.


  1. I teared up the other day too when we read it during Bible class! in fact I could not read this post without crying again. the part that really got me was when after years of getting to have him she had to bring him to the palace!
    I cry rediculously easy these days, and I'm not even pregnant!

  2. Maybe it has more to do with being a Mom than being pregnant :) I'm sure our kids must think we're a little crazy sometimes! I think Moses' Mom was one of the bravest and courageous woman.


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