Thursday, August 15, 2013

Looking back on previous bellies :)

 I love to look back and remember my previous pregnancies - especially now when I am anticipating the end of this pregnancy!  In the above picture I am pregnant with Benjamin.  This photo was taken about a month before he was born. (I can't find the picture of when I was pregnant with Chloe)

Here I am pregnant with Kara - about 2 weeks before she was born

And here I am just recently with #4 :)

Soon I will be able to look back and reminisce about my pregnancy with this babe . . . but for now I remain pregnant.  This is officially the longest I have ever been pregnant.  Not exactly the record a Mom hopes to make!  But I am patiently waiting and confidant that God knows my babes birthday and the right time for her/him to be born.  And just because I know that Leanne loves baby toes, here is one last picture to leave you with :)

Benjamin's sweet baby toes *sigh*


  1. I could just kiss those toes!!! SO sweet!
    Hurry baby!! :)

  2. You look awesome by the way!

  3. Wow! Girl you never age do you? :) you look so awesome!


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