Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Her Birthday Party

I just returned home from a week long vacation with TR and no children.  We traveled south, stayed in some wonderfully neat places, hiked in the mountains, ate some fabulous  (gluten free!) meals, woke up when we wanted and changed 0 diapers.  I came home to the sweetest hugs ever and a new resolve in my role as a Mom and homemaker.

But today I want to share with you a few pictures of Chloe's birthday party.  We celebrated with my family and it was a wonderful evening.  Chloe loved her cake and her gift (it was a princess dress up dress and she wore it for days afterward :)

p.s. In regards to her cake: I told you in this post how I was worried about how to make the "princess" cake she wanted without using artificial dyes. When I asked her about her cake again and inquired as to exactly what she meant I learned that she wanted a face of a girl.  Whew!  So much easier for this Mama! (Have you ever googled "princess cakes"?!)  I used the same cake and icing recipe as I did for Benjamin's cake.  The white is simply without cocoa, the brown has cocoa and I used some raspberry liquid (from thawed raspberries) to make the pink.  She absolutely loved it and it turned out to be easy.  A win win :)

1 comment:

  1. It was awesome cake!!! I think I mentioned the raspberries to you, and I'm so glad you tried it first so now when I make the girls their cakes I know it works!! lol
    It looked and tasted so good!
    And she wore that dress I think almost every day, in the beginning it was all day, and later she gave it a few breaks. :)


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