
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Trying something new

Lately I've been borrowing books from the library on "Raw foods".  It is amazing to me that some people actually eat only raw foods -but it is fascinating at the same time.  I'm pretty sure I could only ever do it for a very short time for several reasons - one of the biggest being that I can't raise my own raw food diet in my garden.  They eat a lot of nuts and seeds which I can't grow, get locally or cheaply.  (if I were to eat nuts on a regular basis they would have to be raw nuts that I could soak.  If you google it there is a lot of information on why you  need to soak nuts and seeds.) I also can't get organic fruits and veggies year round.  Anyway, that really is neither here nor there.  The point is I like the idea of eating more raw foods in our diet and the "raw food" people have some really great ideas for food besides just veggie sticks and salad. 

I've also just ordered a bunch of recipe books on "gluten free" recipes.  As soon as I can get the appropriate foods in our house we will be going gluten free for a while.  Chloe has had digestive problems for a long time.  Really weak bladder muscles that are made worse by constipation.  I recently read a blog where the child had these same symptoms and was found to be sensitive to wheat and eggs.  I've wondered for a while if Chloe might not have a hard time digesting wheat but was told that it would give her diarrhea and not constipation.  So anyway, going gluten free might not be easy but it is certainly not going to hurt us so I thought we'd give it a try.  Wouldn't it be easier if we just took her in and got tested first you ask? 

Trust me.  It's easier to change our diet than to get her tested :)


  1. I hope you can figure out the problem! A friend of mine also went gluten free (and did the GAPS diet, have you heard of it?) Her blog link is She is a big believer in organic/raw/natural foods as well.

  2. haha, I can just picture the nurse trying to get a blood sample! yeah I'd just change my diet too. :)
    I find all this way of eating fascinating too. I have been reading the blog Andrea stated, and its great. but I know I could never go 100%. but i know i need to try and do better. why is it so hard?!


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